Smart Chat v1.2.0

Smart Chat is a PHP, mySQL, ajax and bootstrap based chatting software to manage chats with visitors at different websites through just one admin, having UNLIMITED operators with Gravatar. To make you able to create your Email Subscription List automatically, Smart Chat is integrated with MailChimp, through which you can now add your visitors into your Subscription List at MailChimp with just few easy settings in admin panel.
This package also includes Smart Contact using which you will be able to put your Global Contact Form using simple API in any of your website and will be able to manage all of your such contact queries through 1 admin.


+ ----------  admin (Only for routing to Admin Panel - Changing admin folder details are in <root folder>/index.php)

+ ----------  assets (Contain all assets included in Smart Chat including css, js, images folders etc)

                      +------------ css (Contain required css files)

                      +------------ fonts (Contain required fonts files)

                      +------------ js (Contain all js files)

                      +------------ sounds (Contain beep sound mp3 files to add during chat. Changing beep must be in Settings page in admin at

+ ----------  classes (Contain all required classes used to make this awesome)

                      +------------ core (Contain all core classes files)

+ ----------  language (Contain all language files. Adding new file details are in Settings Tab in documentation)

+ ----------  template (Contain all template including frontend, backend, and mail templates)

                      +------------ backend (All required backend template files)

                      +------------ frontend (All required frontend template files)

                      +------------ email_template (Contain all email templates used in app)

+ ----------  tmp (Contain all files uploaded during chatting)

Smart Chat Core Features:

* 7 Built in Languages: English, French, Urdu, Chinese Simplified, Greek, Spanish, Japanese

* Contact Form also included

* Mailchimp Email Subscription

* Gravatar integration


And Many More....


Smart Contact Core Features:

If you have multiple websites having Contact Forms and tired of long painful process to go website's admin panel and respond to peoples queries. Than the wait is over. Smart Contact is the solution of all of your worries, now you will be able to manage Contact Forms for multiple websites through just 1 admin with easy and 1 time setup. This contains following features:


Plugins OR Assets used for making Smart Chat Awesome

Open <smart chat root folder>/index.php in notepad

Fill all required sections with details of each section has been provided in comments

Save and Close file.


Open Smart Chat admin panel

Default URL:

Installation Page

An Installation page will be loaded. Fill all the required details and Run Installer.

After successfull installation.


If you are using it for the first time, a License code verification page will be opened.

Click on the link provided to get License Code

License Page

After getting License code

Fill Name field with the name provided while creating your License Code in
Paste your unique license code and Click Verify Now button.


If you done all well than you are ready to go. And Enjoy

Installing Smart Chat in your website

To add smart chat in your website. Follow below given simple steps.

Some samples are given below.

Using PHP:

Smart Chat API:

<?php file_get_contents('http://<>/index.php/?load'); ?>

Smart Contact API:

<?php file_get_contents('http://<>/index.php/?page=f&load'); ?>

Note: In order to prevent any jquery issue, use this code just before closing </body> tag.


Using javascript:

Smart Chat API:

<script type='text/javascript' async='true' src = '//<smartchat_root_url>/index.php?action=irb_sc_loadJs'></script>

Smart Contact API:

<script type='text/javascript' async='true' src = '//<smartchat_root_url>/index.php?action=irb_sc_loadJs&p'></script>

<div id='irb_smart_contact'>Loading Form...</div> (Place this piece of code where you want to place your Contact Form in your page.)

And you done...

Note: Javascript APIs for both is also given in your admin panel top bar with name "Forms API".

Mailchimp Integration:

Go to "Email Subscription Settings tab" in "Settings page" in admin panel.

Note MailChimp does not show subscribers in your created list unless user activated their email. When user subscribes, MailChimp send activation URL so only valid emails can subscribe.

Mailchimp API Key

Adding New Language File:

All language files are in <smart chat root path>/languages/ folder

Just add another .ini language file there
Go to Settings page in admin panel
Update "Select Default Language" to the one you want and refresh.

You must use either language initial i.e,

for English use en.ini

for Urdu use ur.ini

for French use fr.ini etc...

Or use full name (if you dont know initial) like, french.ini

Note: Name must be in small letters and wthout space


Updating Email Template:

All language files are in <smart chat root path>/template/email_template/ folder

Select any file you want to update design and you are done.

Note: Beware of all php code. Read comments first to make changes correctly.


Adding new beep sound (mp3):

All sound files are in <smart chat root path>/assets/sounds/ folder

Just paste your new mp3 file in above directory
Go to Settings page in admin panel
Update "Select Chat Sound for Frontend" for frontend and "Select Chat Sound for Backend" for backend. 

Note: Sound file must be in .mp3 format

Check this link for sound waves. Use .mp3 format only.


Just replace your old Smartchat folder with new one and you are done.

Note: After replacing it may require you for License Code. For that you must use same process of getting new License Code as done first time. Note: Also update the "Forms API".

You may contact us any time at

OR Visit


Developed with love by

Phalcosoft by IRB.